Kembang Sore Tour provides the One Day Borobudur and Yogyakarta Tour, a tour packages
to visit Borobudur and Yogyakarta only one day with direct flight
from Bali or from Jakarta. To
assist the tour Kembang Sore Tour provides
the service to get electronic to get to Yogyakarta. Now you can
make reservation directly Kembang Sore Tour. The object that
youn can visit are as followed:
Borobudur Temple was built during the golden age of Syailendra Dynasty, sometime in the beginning of the 8th century.The word Borobudur is believed to mean monastery on a hill. It is derived from the words baram and buduhur. Bara is from Sangskrit word Vihara meaning a complex of temples monasteries or dormitories, Beduhur is a old Javanese word meaning above. Borobudur Temple was built on a small hill in the Kedu Basin, a rich, fertile valley surrounded by the spectacular volcanoes. To the East lies Merapi and Merbabu and to the North lies Sumbing and Sindoro. The unsual jagged Menoreh Hills encircle the temple to South and West. The temple is also located near the meeting place of two rivers, the Elo and the Progo, these rivers are believed to be symbolic of Gangga and Yamuna, two rivers feeding the Indus valley in India. We get a sense of the grandness of the landscape when we rise to final terrace of the monument which opens up into 360 degrees view of the magnificent valley.
Yogyakarta's Sultan's Palace or Kraton, with its grand and elegant Javanese architecture, lay in the center of the city. It was founded by Pangeran Mangkubumi I. He choose the right for the site of the building, right between Winongo River and Code River a swamp area that dried up then. The Sultan's Palace stretches from the north to south. the front yard of the Sultan Palace is called Allun-Allun Utara (North Square) and the back yard called Allun-Allun Selatan (South Square). The design of this historical building demonstrates that the Palace, the obelisk (the Tugu, the column) and the mount Merapi positioned in one line. It is believed that the axis is blessed. In the-old times Sri Sultan is used to concentrated his mind long this axis before leading meeting, making decision or giving order to his people.
The hindu temple Prambanan this magnificent Shiva temple derives it name from the village where it is located. Locally known as the Loro Jonggrang Temple, or the temple of the "Slender Virgin", it is the biggest and most beautiful Hindu temple in Indonesia. Seventeen kilometers east of Yogyakarta, it is believed to have been built by King Balitung Maha Sambu in the middle of the ninth century. Its parapets are a domed with a bas-relief depicting the famous Ramayana Story. The first open air theater on the southern side of the temples was built in 1960 and the new on the western side of the temple in 1988. During full moon evenings in the month from May to October, the Ramayana ballet is performed right here. The complex of Prambanan lies among green fields and villages. It has eight shrines, of which the tree main ones are dedicated to Shiva, Visnu and Brahma. The main temple of Shiva rises to a height of 130 feet and houses the magnificent statue of Shiva's consort, Durga.
One Day Borobudur and Yogyakarta
tour package will cover visits to both the world’s biggest
ancient Buddhist monument Borobudur Temple and the most famous
Hindu temples complex in Prambanan plain. Tour itineray
will be as followed
Upon arrival at Adi Sucipto Yogyakarta airport, met by your friendly
tour guide, drive to the northwest of Jogja (about 42 kilometers).
Visit the magnificent Borobudur stands on a hillock with seven
square terraces represent the steps of from the earthly realm
to the nirvana at the three circular terraces to the biggest mother
stupa at top. Thousand reliefs panels here depict the birth, enlightenment,
the death Buddha and the journey of Boddhisatwas, on the way back
to Jogjakarta stop over to visit Mendut and Pawon temples.
Back to Yogyakarta for City Tour to visit the Sultan's Palace,
Water Castle and drive to local restaurant to have Indonesian
buffet lunch and then visit Batik Home Industry, and Silver Smith
at Kota Gede, before transfer to Airport, we
visit Prambanan Temple the most important complex of Hindu temple
built on 9th century compound by 3 temple dedicated for Brahma
Civa and Vishnu, See for yourself sixteen temples stand majestically
here. Sequel relief panels of Ramayana epic on carved on the temples’
wall will be another alternative way to find out how skillfully
the builders of the temples had been.
then terminated to the Airport for onward flight.
1. Transport with private car or bus with air conditioned
2. Entrances fees
3. Eghlish speaking Tour guide or on languages requested
4. 1 x lunch at local restaurant
information please contact us
Information and booking 081548259817.WhatsApp 0817548259817
Information and booking 081548259817.WhatsApp 0817548259817